Columnistas  |  14 noviembre de 2018  |  12:00 AM |  Escrito por: James McCarthy

English Corner No.26

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James McCarthy

Old fashioned

I’m old-school -A floor is a floor, (the lower surface of a room, ocean or cave) but nowadays the phrase is used for everything that has a hard surface from roads, pavements, ground, field, mountains and lanes. An example: The man is lying on the road, which is correct English. The man is lying on the floor, not so correct. All of the above are replaced with the word floor. For exam, purposes stick to the correct form of English. Maybe I am getting old!

Old school: means something close to old-fashioned, but it's a term with more pride behind it. “I'm old school,” they're saying they do it like it used to be done, which they believe was a better way.


The word of the moment is “Participate” try to build up your vocabulary, using different synonyms depending on the conversation or topic.

Synonyms: take part, join in, partake, engage, enter into, be involved, perform, have a hand in, get in on, be a party to, chip in, latch on, play, share, cooperate, come in, go into, contribute, compete, strive, associate with, be into.

Each vs. Every

Each vs. every: is a common grammar issue, they're very similar words. Although both words refer to something that is singular, "each" refers to an individual object or person, while the term "every" refers to a group of objects or people lumped together as one.

Get- Together

When Colombian families meet- up on a regular basis you say “family meeting” this makes the occasion very formal or business-like. If it’s just for a coffee or chat, then we say “family get-together” or gathering. We are having a family get-together next week. We are having a family gathering next week.

Family Reunion

A reunion is the same as a family gathering; only the main purpose of it is to get the entire family together to celebrate being a family or, special occasions, anniversaries, important milestone birthdays etc. Milestone birthdays that are most commonly celebrated are Sweet 16, 21, 30, 40, 50 and 60. For some reason, after 60, it starts going in 5's...like 65, 70, 75 etc "I guess after reaching 60- every year is a bonus!




“Gossip” is slang for talk or” catch up” in a friendly and informal way, other informal expressions you will hear are: chatter, chitter-chatter, tittle-tattle, prattle, jabber, jibber-jabber, babble, gibberish, prate, go on, run on, have a confab, jaw, chew the rag, chew the fat, yap, yak, yackety-yak, gabber, pow wow; rabbit, chunter, waffle, have a chinwag. For people who talk non-stop, we say: talk the hind legs off a donkey, talk until the cows come home. For someone who never stops complaining (husband/wife/partner) nag-nag-nag!!


When you go out for a few drinks with friends or in a group, often you will hear the occasion referred to as a knees-up, shindig, bash, do, session, and for those who continue drinking until the early hours: all-nighter, a night on the tiles, a bender. For the better-off (wealthy) you will hear the term, “Soirée”: An evening party or gathering, typically in a private house, for conversation or music. Sorry, I’m more your, Ara, D1- type of guy!!

'Living corpses': From the BBC website last week

The Cocora valley in Colombia is one of the few places where the Quindío Wax Palm grows.


Armistice Day

Sunday past, world leaders came together to mark 100 years since the signing of the treaty which ended the First World War at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month of 1918. World War One was one of the deadliest conflicts in the history of the human race, in which over 16 million people died. The total number of both civilian and military casualties is estimated at around 37 million people. The war killed almost 7 million civilians and 10 million military personnel.

The last living veteran of World War I (4 February 1914 – 11 November 1918) was Florence Green, a British citizen who served in the Allied armed forces, and who died 4th February 2012, aged 110.


Until next Tuesday-Be good.

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