• JUEVES,  25 ABRIL DE 2024

Columnistas  |  18 julio de 2019  |  12:00 AM |  Escrito por: James McCarthy

English Corner No.59

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James McCarthy

We are told recycling is good for the planet and I agree, but not when it comes to my soup! I was having lunch last week and on my third spoonful of so-called "chicken soup" I found a partially-blended /liquidised stringy onion bag. I left my soup and the restaurant, no point in complaining as after 11 years in Colombia, I already knew the answer ¡Qué pena! Stringy: Containing, consisting of, or resembling fibrous matter of string, rope or nylon.

Burger anyone!

In the UK a report by the Food Standards Agency found 30 per cent of meals analysed contained other meats. Investigators have been analysing fast food all over Britain and found that lamb had routinely been replaced with pork, beef, chicken, turkey and what could be vermin or pets. Another report of 60 lamb dishes found 29 were 'suspect', 17 contained different meats, seven contained no lamb at all and five had meat that could not be identified. In Ireland, the laws are very strict when it comes to Irish meat products, butchers have to publically display where the meat came from. Every animal has to have a history report, like a passport from the day they are born until they die. Not sure why the law isn't the same in the UK, or if so why it is being ignored-part of the problem may be cheap-imported meat from overseas.

Independence Day

Saturday is Independence Day, get those flags out; No ifs, ands, or buts! (no excuses or doubts).

Idioms: Food

Have egg on your face: You've said or done something wrong, and it's made you feel embarrassed or stupid. Your bread and butter: Your livelihood or the source of your income. A couch potato: A very lazy person who spends a lot of time sitting around watching TV and eating junk food. A flash in the pan: someone who's popular or effective for a short time only. A knuckle sandwich: If you give someone a knuckle sandwich, you punch them. A piece of cake: Meaning something is extremely easy. A recipe for disaster: If it's going to cause trouble or serious problems. Chew the fat: You have a long, friendly chat with someone. Drink like a fish: Someone who drinks a lot of alcohol. Easy as pie: Something that is very easy. Eat humble pie: You admit that you are in the wrong and behave apologetically. Eat your words: You admit that something you said was wrong. Go down a treat: If something goes down a treat, it's a great success and everyone enjoys it. Half-baked: Something that hasn't been properly thought out or planned. Hard to swallow: If it's difficult to believe. In a nutshell: If you're about to describe something as briefly as possible. Kill the goose that lays the golden egg: You destroy something that has made you a lot of money. Not my cup of tea: It's not what you like or what you're interested in. On the back burner: If a plan or a project is on the back burner, it isn't being worked on at present, but it might be completed in the future. Put all your eggs in the one basket: You put all your efforts or resources into one person, thing or plan, and if things don't work out, you lose everything. Take with a grain /pinch of salt: You have doubts about the truth or accuracy of what they say. The cream of the crop: Someone is the best of a class of things or people. The icing on the cake: Something makes a good situation or a good result even better. Upset the applecart: You do something that causes trouble or upsets someone's plans. The upper crust: You are a member of society's highest class.


Until next Tuesday-Be good

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