• VIERNES,  26 ABRIL DE 2024

Columnistas  |  21 noviembre de 2019  |  12:10 AM |  Escrito por: James McCarthy

English Corner No.76

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James McCarthy

Child abuse is on a global level not just here in Colombia. It is found in every culture within the upper, middle and lower classes of society. How and why this is happening is difficult, if not impossible for any sane-like-normal person to understand. The World Health Organisation (WHO) estimated that up to 1 billion minors between the ages of 2 and 17 years of age have endured violence; physical, emotional, or sexual, from groping to rape, with approximately 200 million children annually experiencing sexual violence. World leaders and known organisations are fighting a losing battle; however, they would like us to believe the opposite.

In Europe: The WHO estimated that almost 18 million children had been victims of sexual abuse. Asia: The “Asian Centre for Human Rights” reported a total of almost 50.000 cases of the rape of minors. North America: In the United States, official government data reports that over 700 million children are victims of violence and abuse every year. Oceania: In Australia, according to data published by the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) about 450 million children were under child protection measures and 55,600 minors had been removed from their homes, with indigenous children 7 times more likely to suffer abuse. Africa: In South Africa, the results of research conducted by the Centre for Justice and Crime Prevention revealed that 1 out of every 3 South Africans, male or female were at risk of sexual abuse before reaching the age of 17.  Latin America and the Caribbean: Not a lot of information available. Organisations estimate that 85% of these children have been abused at some point. 


In the UK the House of Commons have published a report on its findings; "Sexual exploitation and abuse by aid workers and peacekeepers is happening in the aid sector and it has been happening for a long time. Sexual violence, exploitation and abuse is endemic in many developing countries, especially where there is conflict and forced displacement, as we have found in previous work". This 120-page report is available online resulting from an inquiry “Oxfam workers” abusing minors in Haiti, after the 2010 earthquake.

FACT: Those who molest children look and act just like everyone else. Abusers can be neighbours, friends or family members. They can be found within families, schools, churches, recreation centres, and any other place children gather. About 90% of children who are victims of sexual abuse know their abuser.

Sex tourism

According to data from the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), each year 3 million take a trip (travel) in order to have sexual relations with minors. The most popular destinations are Brazil, Dominican Republic, Colombia, Thailand and Cambodia, and more recently, some African and Eastern European countries. While most sex offenders are male, sometimes sex offences (grooming, trafficking) are committed by female offenders. There have been a few cases recently of female UK teachers having sex with boys between the ages of 14-17.

There are 13,535 inmates (prisoners) serving prison terms for sex offences in England and Wales, that is almost a fifth of the total prison population. In the US there are 859,500 registered sex offenders.

Obviously, prison-time, counselling and what other programmes each country has for sex offenders aren’t working then it’s time “to fight fire with fire” for male offenders: Castration, for female offenders: Female genital mutilation. Extreme /harsh/cruel maybe! Wouldn’t you want to protect your child!  Never mind all the claptrap by the “political correctness brigade”. Where are they when the children are being abused?

The name 'Oxfam' comes from the Oxford Committee for Famine Relief, founded in Britain in 1942. Oxfam International was formed in 1995 by a group of independent non-governmental organisations.

Claptrap:  Silly talk that means nothing. To fight fire with fire: To respond to an attack by using similar methods or tactics as one's attacker, enemy or opponent, even if one finds them distasteful.

As always your views may differ.

Until next Tuesday-Be good

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